Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Chicago Bob Fee

What About BOB ?

He Wants a commuter tax of 1 percent on the 600,000 people who come into the city to work every day would generate $300 million a year, a revenue stream Fioretti said, In Which Way Will, Alderman Bob Fioretti force PayMent ?

The Bob Fee

What About BOB ?

He Wants a commuter tax of 1 percent on the 600,000 people who come into the city to work every day would generate $300 million a year, a revenue stream Fioretti said, In Which Way Will, Alderman Bob Fioretti force PayMent ?

Monday, September 1, 2014

BBQ for Projects Hood in the 20th Ward Community With Andre Smith and Pastor Corey Brooks

Wow What a Great Event that The Chicago Progressive Candidate for the 20th Ward, Andre Smith, we were happy to see that Pastor Corey Brooks stop in to give his support for Andre efforts.