Hello Chicago,
I’m Matt Harrington, The Chairman & Executive Campaign
Director for C.P.C. 2015. Our 501 C4 Non-profit has set
out to educate and stimulate the voter of Chicago to become a part of a large movement to Turn Around Our Town by seeking and running 50 Candidates for Aldermen of Chicago's Wards and 1 for the Mayor of Chicago.
We are looking to slate candidates for these races, and then
help run your campaign via our platforms and Ideas for real change. Our
group will help you by building Field and Fundraising Teams, coordinate with out
reach advisers to Block Clubs, Churches, Community Meet & Greets and Union
Build Branding of your campaign under our CPC Banner with Blogs, Website, Facebook pages, You Tube Channels
and TV Commercials and Press Releases as well as every aspect of political and
Branding Campaign Management.
So, what we are asking for at this point is a resume, the ward
that you are looking to become the Aldermanic Candidate for and a top reason
why you want to run.
The Chicago Progressive Candidates 2015 movement has the great fortune of being headed
by 3 key individuals whom have been
working in Local, County, State and National
political arenas for over 20 years.
Tio Hardiman Matt Harrington William Dock Walls
President & Executive Director Chairman & Executive Campaign Director Executive Director of
Education & Political Affairs
We look forward to meeting you in
person within near future.
Matt Harrington
Chicago Progressive Candidates 2015
Chairman & Executive Campaign Director